
Novel Inorganic-organic Hybrid Composites and Antibiocorrosive Coatings
Author: ნოდარ ლეკიშვილიCo-authors: Khatuna Barbakadze, Maia Tatarishvili, Nino Kokiashvili
Keywords: Bioactive, antimicrobial, coating, museum exibites
Novel Inorganic-organic Hybrid Composites and Antibiocorrosive Coatings N. Lekishvili*, Kh. Barbakadze, N. Kokiashvili, M. Tatarishvili *E-mail: Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, Department of Chemistry Institute of Inorganic-organic Hybrid Compounds and Non-traditional Materials 3, I. Chavchavadze Ave., 0179, Tbilisi, Georgia Novel inorganic-organic hybrid composites and antibiocorrosive coatings based on industrial organic polymers (polyepoxy, polyurethane) modified by silicon organic oligomers with side functional groups have been obtained and studied. By the methods of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), differential-thermal (DTA) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) thermophysical properties of the above mentioned composites and corresponding antibiocorrosive coatings have been studied. Phase state and phase transition temperatures of obtained composites and corresponding antibiocorrosive coatings have been established. It has been shown, that all hybrid composites are characterized with glass transition temperatures in the range of 49.2-58.0oC which is important characteristic for such type of composites. The phase transition (α and β) temperature ranges have been also determined. Initial and intensive thermal destruction temperature ranges of modified bioactive composites have been established. It has been shown, that obtained composites are characterized with insignificant weight loss at 220-230oC. The intensive destruction takes place only above 340oC. Tribological and exploitive properties as well as wear and surface morphology of obtained antibiocorrosive coatings have been studied. It has been established that modification of industrial organic polymers (polyepoxies) by silicon organic oligomers with side functional groups, wear and scratch resistance of obtained antibiocorrosive coatings increased. The stability of the created antibiocorrosive coatings towards oxidative, thermo oxidative, photochemical, isothermal aging and weather ability has been studied. Authors thank Shota Rustaveli National Scientific Foundation for financial support (Kh. Barbakadze) also to Prof. Witold Brostow (USA, University of North Texas) for helping in the study of tribological properties of obtained composites