
Ecologically Friendly Composites
Author: Omari MukbanianiCo-authors: E. Markarashvili, T. Tatrishvili, G. Buzaladze, D. Otiashvili, M. Razmazashvili, J. Aneli,
Keywords: bamboo, composites, binders
On the basis of dry bamboo powders and in turn several binders, including polyethylene (PE) and alkoxysilanes new composite materials has been obtained. The composites were studied by Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Some mechanical properties were determined along with thermal stability by thermogravimetry and water absorption. FTIR results show formation of primary chemical bonds between bamboo surface active groups and the binders. Mechanical property improvement goes symbatically with the thermal stability. Our composites based on bamboo and some organic-inorganic binders have generally advantageous properties for a variety of applications. Apparently chemical bonds are formed between bamboo surface active groups and binder molecules.
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Ecologically Friendly Composites [en]ეკოლოგიურად სუფთა კომპოზიტები [ka]