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Algebraic Character of valence Isomers within the Scope of ANB-matrices Method
Author: Tea LobzhanidzeCo-authors: M. Gverdtsiteli
Keywords: isomere, Benzene
The valence isomers differ from each other by disposition of the chemical bonds, (they are sometimes cockled bonds isomers). Benzene has six valence isomers:These isomers can be algebraically characterized within the scope of ANB-matrices method. ANB-matrix is modified type of contiguity matrix. Its diagonal elements are the atomic numbers of the chemical elements (which the molecule contains).Calculations show, that the values of the determinants of the corresponding ANB-matrices differs.
Lecture files:
Algebraic Character of valence Isomers within the Scope of ANB-matrices Method [en]ვალენტური იზომერების ალგებრული მახასიათებლები ანბ–მატრიცების მეთოდის ფარგლებში [ka]