
Relativistically Intense EM Waves in a Degenerate Fermi Gas
Author: Nodar TsintsadzeKeywords: degenerate Fermi gas
We discuss some aspects of interactions of high-frequencyelectromagnetic (EM) waves with quantum Fermi gas, assuming that the intensity ofEM waves is sufficiently large. Relativistic statistical thermodynamics of quantumelectron-ion gas at presence electromagnetic waves has been considered. In this casethe distribution function of particles becomes anisotropic, due to high power EMwaves. By the new distribution function we study all the thermodynamic quantities asfunction of densities, temperatures and the amplitude of EM waves. We investigate the cavitation phenomenon of degenerate Fermi electron gas.We obtain a novel set of adiabatic equations. For two cases we obtain expressions ofthe specific heat, which is strongly dependent from the amplitude of EM waves,namely, the coefficient of the electron specific heat increases with the increase of theamplitude of EM waves.Skin depth is calculated in a particular frequency regimes and shown thatpenetration depth ������ increases when increase the amplitudeof EM waved.Then, the modulation and filamentation instabilities of relativistically intenseEM waves are investigated and the growth rates for various plasma parameters aredetermined.
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