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Optimized protocols for in vitro morphogenesis of several woody plants
Author: mariam gaidamashviliCo-authors: Eka Khurtsidze
Keywords: Red List, micropropagation, threatened plants
In the current study the attempt was made to describe the development of micropropagation protocols for cloning of threatened woody plants of the Red List of Georgia. Several species were successfully propagated in this work displaying diverse response to culture conditions and explants sources. Further optimizing feasible in vitro protocols for micropropagation of rare woody perennials is discussed for conservation of genetic diversity.
Lecture files:
Optimized protocols for in vitro morphogenesis of several woody plants [en]ზოგიერთი მერქნიანი მცენარის ინ ვიტრო მორფოგენეზის მეთოდოლოგიის ოპტიმიზაცია [ka]