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Proper Noun Identification Problem In Georgian Language Based Text Processing
Author: Maia ArchuadzeCo-authors: M.Khachidze, M .Tsintsadze, G.Besiashvili
Keywords: Information Retrieval, Text Classification
In the work provided discuss proper noun removing algorithm for Georgian language based texts. The algorithm represents the variation of "Boolean search", using the database of the proper nouns(names). The algorithm success depends on recall of the database. In addition, a complete cycle of the procedure involves the use of the stemming algorithm developed for Georgian language based texts. The mentioned stemming is original and is customized for Georgian language in accordance of its peculiarities, thus leading to originality and customization of our algorithm for Georgian Language
Lecture files:
Proper Noun Identification Problem In Georgian Language Based Text Processing [en]საკუთარი სახელების იდენტიფიცირების პრობლემა ქართულენოვანი ტექსტების დამუშავებაში [ka]