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Derivation of system of the equations of equilibrium for shallow shells and plates, having double porosity
Author: Bakur GuluaCo-authors: Roman Janjgava
Boundary value problems of steady vibrations in the linear theory of thermoviscoelasticity of binary mixtures
Author: Maia SvanadzeKeywords: Thermoviscoelasticity, binary mixtures, boundary value problems
The Micropolar Theory of Elasticity
Author: Miranda Gabelaiasupervisor: Natalia Chinchaladze
Keywords: Volume Couple, Couple Stress Vector, Microrotation
On a Static Problem for the Two Layered Prismatic Shell-Like Composites
Author: Natalia ChinchaladzeKeywords: prismatic shells, hierarchical models
Hierarchical Models for Viscoelastic Kelvin-Voigt Prismatic Shells with Voids
Author: George JaianiKeywords: Hierarchical Models, Viscoelastic Kelvin-Voigt Prismatic Shells