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On investigation of the Green-Lindsay three-dimensional model
Author: Gia AvalishviliCo-authors: Mariam Avalishvili
Keywords: Nonclassical thermoelasticity, initial-boundary value problem, existence and uniqueness of solution
In the present paper we consider the Green and Lindsay nonclassical three-dimensional model for inhomogeneous anisotropic thermoelastic bodies with two relaxation times, which depend on space variables. We obtain a variational formulation for the initial-boundary value problem corresponding to the Green-Lindsay model. On the basis of the variational formulation we define the spaces of vector-valued distributions corresponding to the initial-boundary value problem and by applying suitable a-priori estimates we prove the existence and uniqueness of the solution, an energy equality, and the continuous dependence of the solution on given data.
Lecture files:
Gia-Avalishvili-GEO-2017 [ka]Gia-Avalishvili-ENG-2017 [en]