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On some algorithms behavior of finite automata
Author: tariel khvedelidzeKeywords: finite automaton, stationary random environment, the behavior of automaton, generating function, expediency of behavior.
On the basis of the known statistical rule "or a series of success of length m, or a series of setbacks of length l " built structure of finite automata in stationary random environment with three possible reactions (win, loss, indifference). By methods theory of random walk obtained the formulas for of the generating function probabilities of changing actions of automata. It is shown that sequence finite automata converges to the corresponding infinite (with countably many states) automatons of the same structure and investigated expediency of their behavior.
Lecture files:
On some algorithms behavior of finite automata [en]სასრული ავტომატების ქცევის ზოგიერთი ალგორითმის შესახებ [ka]