
BST-Tree Balancing Algorithms
Author: Nikoloz GrdzelidzeCo-authors: Koba Gelashvili
Keywords: RBT, Qbalance, DSW
The report is dedicated to the already existing methods of balancing the binary tree and their comparative analysis. The report includes binary tree balancing QBalance algorithm as well as visualization of the algorithm working matter, which were worked out in the research process. The results of the test will be shown on their number and string data, which defines the QBalance method, as a bettered algorithm for balancing the binary tree. QBalance algorithm is implemented on the C++ programming language, the structure of the node is minimal – Parent node is removed, Children nodes are shown as the two element array. During the testing process carried on the tenth of millions of data, the problem of the recursive destructor of the tree was find out, which is implemented in the QBalance algorithm using the stack.
Lecture files:
BST ხის დაბალანსების ალგორითმები [ka]