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Niko Beruchashvili’s Legacy in Cartography and GIS Science
Author: neli jamaspashviliCo-authors: N.N. Beruchashvili, L. Beruchashvili
Keywords: Cartography, GIS, map, landscape
Past the XX century last decade celebrated boom GIS. Each year the perfect occurs and develops Geographical Information (GIS) systems, are organized for many international conferences, published articles and monographs enormous votes. Many project was implemented in the Tbilisi State University, Department of Cartography Geoinformatics, prof. N. Beruchashvili headed. In the work will be discussed prof. Niko Beruchashvili contribution in Cartography and Gis science, for different geoformation packages. He been founder Geoinformatics in Tbilisi state University. GIS development in Georgia divided by 3 stages and has a 30 year history.
Lecture files:
Niko Beruchashvili Legacy in Cartography and GIS Science [en]ნიკო ბერუჩაშვილის შეტანილი წვლილი კარტოგრაფიისა და GIS- ის მეცნიერებაში [ka]