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The modern active rift, subduction, collision and intraplate volcanism connected with lithospheric global plate tectonic

Author: miriani makadze
Keywords: Subduction, colision, volcanism, explosion

Lithospheric plate global tectonic theory had been created in the last half century and it can explain correctly the structure of the Earth's geological features and a variety of geodynamic processes, including volcanism phenomena, its location, nature and other parameters despite of old foxiest geotectonic theories. Modern active volcanism with it's location and genesis is connected with spreading, subduction, collision and intraplate zones of lithospheric plate. These types of volcanism is different not only in their position in a given lithospheric plates, but differ with it's chemical, geochemical, petrological peculiarities and volcano activity indicators. It defines the different chemical composition of the magma viscosity, which directly affects the type of volcanic eruption and strengthen. At present, we can give many examples of which are clearly reflecting catastrophic damage to the environment and people by the volcano eruption. Such a catastrophic volcanic eruption is Krakatau eruption of 1883 and 36417 people dead by this eruption, as well as the eruption of Mount Vesuvius BC 79, which completely destroyed Pompeii, Stabia and Herculaneum. We can describe many similar examples like of this. There are lots of active volcano on the Earth, which are a potential threat to humans and it's need to pay attention with correct, timely predict to the eruption to avoid the catastrophic losses.

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The modern active rift, subduction, collision and intraplate volcanism connected with lithospheric global plate tectonic [en]
ლითოსფერული ფილების გლობალურ ტექტონიკასთან დაკავშირებული რიფტული, სუბდუქციური, კოლიზიური და შიდაფილური თანამედროვე აქტიური ვულკანიზმი [ka]

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