
Environmental Impact of Pesticides
Author: salome lomidzeCo-authors: Beso Kalandadze
Keywords: pesticides, protection of environment, soil pollution
Environmental Impact of Pesticides 1SALOME LOMIDZE E-mail: 1Department of geography, the faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University 1, I. Chavchavadze Ave., 0179 Tbilisi, Georgia The improper use of the mineral and organic fertilizers and chemical substances for plants protection in the process of agricultural production have significantly polluted the environment which ultimately led to the pollution of the soil and atmosphere, vegetable and animal products, drinkable and irrigative waters with different toxic substances that often caused not only the poisoning of human and animals and was the reason of grave illnesses, but also was the cause of death. From the second half of the 20th century the scientific technical progress occurred in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology, nuclear and thermal energy etc, have significantly increased the human impact on the ecosystem. This led to the environment pollution with heavy metals, nitrogen and sulfur oxides, hydrocarbon derivatives, pesticides, agrochemicals and other many technical compounds. The modern agriculture is characterized by wide introduction of the processing industrial technologies of the agricultural cultures that for his part considers the intensive usage of technical means – of pesticides. In the “dangerous chemical substances” there are considered the two most important groups of the harmful chemicals for environment and human: • Sustainable organic contaminators. • Ozone-depleting substances. It is a pity, but the fact is that the sustainable organic contaminators (chemical substances) are widely used in the agriculture (as pesticides), in the manufacture of the building materials (e.g. DDT). None of them are produced in Georgia but the environment and humans are still actively experiencing their impact. Along with it, to take the decision on using the pesticides is a hard process and in any country’s assembled system in this direction (legislative area, registration, transportation, storage, realization, waste defusing, the educational level of users, security protection and other) even in the assembled conditions it is connected with a lot of problems. Main word: pesticides, protection of environment, soil pollution
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