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Dissociative ionization processes of H2O and CH4 molecules by electron impact
Author: Giorgi TakadzeCo-authors: Malkhaz Gochitashvili, Ramaz lomsadze, David Kuparashvili
Keywords: molecule, ionization, dissociation
Cross-section values for the direct and dissociative ionization of CH4 and H2O molecules by electron impact have been measured and compared with previously published data. The present measurements have been carried out from 25eV to 115eV. Mass-spectrum of fragments for dissociative ionization processes are presented. For spectroscopyc measurements quadrupole mass spectrometer are used. The results of measurements of CH4+ ions formation cross section, in low electron energy range are determined.
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იონიზაციის პროცესის გამოკვლევა ელექტრონების და მოლეკულებთან დაჯახებისას [ka]