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Environmental Impact of Pesticides
Author: salome lomidzeCo-authors: Beso Kalandadze
supervisor: Beso Kalandadze
Keywords: pesticides, protection of environment, soil pollution
Agrometeorological Forecasts of Harvest in Kakheti Region
Author: Maia MeladzeKeywords: agrometeorological forecast, precipitations, crops, harvest
Genesis and Accumulation of River Bottom Sediments
Author: Lia MatchavarianiCo-authors: Giorgi Metreveli
Keywords: Bottom sediment, Epeirogenesis threshold, Mudflow barrier
The role of humid subtropical forests and forest soils in the stability of national parks (on the example of Mtirala National Park in Ajara, Georgia)
Author: Besik KalandadzeCo-authors: Gero Weber, Ilia Kalandadze, Gulnara Aptsiauri
Keywords: Soil, Water pollution, Protected areas